Reawakening to Pleasure:
A 5-day Pleasure Challenge
Time to reawaken the sensual
Stop spinning in 'busy' and
Receive more of the good.
It is time FOR YOU.
Register for the FREE 5-Day Challenge
5 days of simple, immersive experiences designed to ignite your senses, elevate your well-being, and embrace the essence of pure pleasure.
It is time to reawaken ourselves to the intrinsic power of pleasure.
To reclaim our right to delight.
To stop going through life on autopilot.
Giving so much that you have forgotten how to open and up and receive.
Because you want to FEEL it - the multi-faceted spectrum of this human experience.
PLEASURE is the answer my friends.
Nourishing, unapologetic, sensual pleasure.
It is the answer to more energy (yes - so you don't feel like a pile poo at the end of the day)
To more connection to our bodies (because our heads can be cray-cray)
To more presence for our loved ones (It's way easier to not have everyone driving you bananas when you can BE with them)
To incredible sex (mmmhmmm, all the O's please)
And is at the root of motivation and resilience that will have you following through with your ambitious goals and everyday living (because your goals MATTER and I want you to reach them)

It is time for your PLEASURE REBOOT
Join the challenge and experience just what it can be like to live in a body that is more pleasured and a mind that experiences more ease - I promise it's possible.
Studies are being released regularly in the world of neuroscience and psychology that support the importance of pleasure on our brain function, mood and overall well-being.
That means you FEEL better, your brain WORKS better and you aren't grumpy pants or stressed to the max all the time.
Sadly, societal norms have conditioned women to view pleasure with guilt, treating it as a luxury or an earned reward, therefore inhibiting its transformative effects.
Luckily I don't buy into the nonsense that society has fed us and neither will you.
This challenge is structured to give you quick, simple, yet powerful 10-min (or less) trainings each day that will help you condition your body for more pleasure, open up to sensual delights and wire your brain to feel calmer.
Reawakening to Pleasure is exactly what YOU need right now, it is what the women in this world need.
This 5-Day Challenge is your guide to make pleasure simple, attainable AND sustainable.
In this challenge you will:
Cultivate a pleasure-centric mindset to set your day's tone, helping you drop resistance and become more open receiving the good stuff
- Enrich your morning routine with mindful, sensual pleasure, priming your brain and body - helping you go from turned off and disconnected to turned ON
Understand how to redirect your attention away from worries and stressors and find calm in your nervous system
- Create the foundation for greater intimacy and wildly satisfying sexual experiences
It is time to access the pleasure your body is wired for and leverage the science of neuroplasticity to enhance your brain function, mood, overall wellbeing and sexual satisfaction.
Don't let anything stand in your way! It is time to say YES to you.
(and then holler, yes . . . YES . . . YES!!! in ecstatic pleasure😉 )
Reawakening to Pleasure is here for YOU.

Do you feel it?
The tension? The spinning thoughts?
The low-key simmer of stress that rests just below the surface of you and all the women around you?
It is because we are all wildly under-pleasured.
Existing in a world where tragedy is one news click away, the economy testing your resilience and the unrest of a society that is very much divided.
Our energy, depleted by the demands of career, home-life, and taking care of the ones you love.
Satisfaction, joy and delight are overshadowed by overwhelm and anxiety.
But your body and mind crave pleasure.
That is why we find ourselves seeking dopamine from outside sources like food, alcohol, social media, or streaming services.
Because intuitively your body KNOWS what it wants . . . to feel at ease, to feel good, to feel 'lit' up in some way.
But the reason we find ourselves never quite satiated is because outside pleasures don't get to the root of the issue.
These pleasures are fleeting and don't leave you nourished and fully resourced at that deeper level.
They leave us in a state of needing more, constantly on the roller coaster of the lows of stress and overwhelm, to the temporary highs from your chosen quick fix.
And that roller coaster is exhausting.
You feel like you don't have the time for anything else, but the truth is, there is time, you're just too tired from taking care of all the things to enjoy the time you do have.
I get it - I have been there before - where the stress seems to take over, where everyone needs my attention and it seems like there is nothing left for me. All of my self-loving practices, which help me so much, get tossed out the window and I find myself plopping in front of the TV, a Tony's Chocolonely bar in hand.
I deeply understand the process it takes to become the woman who is turned on, who follows, who is connected to her sensuality and who creates orgasmic results for herself in and out of the bedroom. I get YOU.
Learn exactly how to create a nervous system trained for more pleasure and you will experience how powerful and delightful it can feel to live your life with less overwhelm and more joy.
It this challenge you won't be bombarded with a whole list of to-dos, you will walk away with one simple thing you can do each day to not only experience more pleasure, but to set yourself up to integrate these tools into your daily life.
Because after all what good is only ONE WEEK of feeling good?
This is structured even for the busiest of busiest, so don't worry - if you have 10 minutes or less a day you can begin right now transforming how you feel in your body, awakening to your innate sensuality and living a life where pleasure becomes a priority NOT a luxury.