Ep. 116: How Often Should You Have Sex?

Uncategorized Sep 23, 2022

 When it comes to sex, how many times a week is considered “normal”? This is one of the most common questions I get in my DMs on social media. So many people want to know what is considered normal, or how often most people are having sex, so that they can use this as a way to see how they measure up. A lot of my clients come to me because they feel like they aren’t having sex enough, either for their own preference, or that of their partners, and they think that this means something about who they are as a person. In this episode, I introduce the importance of exploring our motivations behind wanting to have sex, separating any meaning from the frequency of sex sessions, and yes, I even give you a number. 

The next cohort of the Better Sex in 90 Days program is starting soon! If you are someone who is unhappy with the frequency of your sex life and you are looking to make a change, I invite you to join us in the group program. This is just one of the many topics we explore in this group. To sign up for my email list so that you are among the first to hear about the next cohort, or to learn more email us at: [email protected]

Topics In This Episode:

  • Recommendations if you’re experiencing pain during sex
  • The mind-body connection, and the relationship between our thoughts and our physical bodies
  • Physical changes you may experience when you begin to prioritize your pleasure
  • What studies show for average frequency when it comes to sex
  • There is a difference between the sex you may or may not be having, and what you are making it mean about you, your partner, and your relationship
  • Looking at quantity versus quality. Frequency doesn’t matter if it doesn’t feel good!
  • Ask yourself: why is this important to you?
  • Benefits of sex, both partnered and solo sex sessions
  • Where to start, if you aren’t at the recommended number, or if you aren’t happy with the frequency

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