Ep. 81: Squeezing Sex into a Busy Life

Uncategorized Sep 23, 2022

Today’s topic may seem similar to things we’ve talked about in previous episodes, but I really wanted to simply talk about flipping the narrative about how we look at pleasure in general. So many of my clients and podcast listeners come to me to figure out how to make time in their life for pleasure and how they can squeeze in their sex life into their day. But what if instead of trying to fit it into our lives, we made sex and pleasure the goal to begin with?

Topics in this episode

  • The socialization of hustle culture
  • The expectation and glorification of doing it all
  • Why we feel compelled to take on extra burdens and tasks
  • The cost of doing it all, and how that impacts our pleasure
  • Sex and pleasure aren’t things to wait for

It has been my absolute pleasure to share this with you today. I hope this episode has given you food for thought about what it would look like for you to really flip the narrative and focus on pleasure, and letting that be the focus that supports everything else around you.


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