Ep. 95: Your Fixed Mind is Keeping You Unsatisfied

Uncategorized Sep 23, 2022

If your social media feeds are anything like mine, you’ve definitely noticed a shift in the past few years around mindset and the self-discovery journeys people are taking. However, and you may not have noticed this, but I certainly have, there doesn’t seem to be much of a shift around how we’re thinking about sexuality. For most people, they tend to have a fixed mindset around sex and what that means for them. The power that our mind has on our pleasure and desire is incredible, if we are open to it!

In this episode, I share with you the characteristics of having a fixed mindset versus a growth mindset. I walk you through how to identify each and I share the amazing potential that is awaiting you from a growth mindset, particularly around your sexuality and your pleasure.

If you’re loving the concepts that I’m sharing on the podcast, then come join us in the group program, Better Sex in 90 Days. We take all of this information and this work to the next level. You learn to rewire your brain for more passion and pleasure with practices you can learn right away that are going to allow you to feel more sexual. Just imagine how much more your mind will be blown when you start implementing them in your life in a very focused way. To learn more, or if you have any questions, reach out to: [email protected]

Topics in this episode

  • Sexiness isn’t something you’re born with or you’re not. It’s available to everyone!
  • What it looks like when we apply our fear of failure to our sex lives
  • How to approach new things with an open mind
  • Bringing awareness to a fixed mindset, and then moving to a growth mindset
  • The areas around sex that can be developed with a growth mindset
  • Why we should learn to anticipate failures, and what it takes to be prepared to fail
  • Some of the techniques I walk my clients through in order to investigate what’s wrong

As always it’s been my absolute pleasure to share with you, this concept of a growth and fixed mindset. I hope that you are able to see how this applies to how you are thinking about sex, and how you can begin to move more into that growth mindset. There is so much delicious goodness on the other side of a growth mindset.


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