Ep. 123: 5 Steps to Creating REAL Change In Your Sex Life

Uncategorized Sep 23, 2022

On this episode of the It’s My Pleasure podcast we break down 5 steps to help you create real change in your sex life.

Making REAL change is different than being half assed about it, you are saying “oh yeah, that’d be nice” you are saying “I am ready for things to be different” and mean it.

The challenge is change isn’t easy, meaning it requires effort. No it isn’t because you're lazy or you aren’t all the way committed, it simply because the brain resists making changes because it takes energy. And the brain wants to conserve as much energy as possible.

Plus its way easier staying with the familiar, even though the familiar might suck, it doesn’t require you being or doing anything differently than you are right now.

I help women make REAL changes and these are the 5 steps I recommend for anyone ready to stop messing around and wishing things were better, but actually MAKE them better.

Also if you haven’t joined FREE challenge I am doing, its not too late - where you will take concepts from the podcast and apply them for juicy orgasmic changes. Join the hundreds of women who have already registered.

YES I want to join The Sexy Revamp Challenge.

And keep a look out, enrollment for the Better Sex in 90 Days opens next week. If you have been considering this at all make sure to get on the waitlist right now. You will be the first to know and get to choose your call time PLUS I have added some not to miss bonuses only available to those on the waitlist.

HERE is your link.


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