Ep. 188: How Shifting Towards Pleasure Can Create More Joy

Uncategorized Feb 02, 2024

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How can we become more joyful with using the embodiment of pleasure? In this episode I share a clip from a recent discussion inside the Pleasure-Centered Coach Training I offer where we are discussing the importance of “pleasure” vs joy and how that one degree shift towards pleasure can make all the difference in the world.

Episode Highlights:

  • Why the distinction between pleasure (vs happiness, joy etc) is so important
  • How pleasure often gets mixed up with sexuality
  • The one degree shifts we can all be making

Featured on the show:

  • Please consider sharing this episode with your partner or a friend who could use more pleasure in their lives.
  • Tangled is almost ready to kick off! Check out the details HERE: https://www.daniellesavory.com/tangled 
  • Want to be part of the next cohort of Pleasure-Centered Train coaches and help lead the revolution of more women feeling whole, alive and powerful in their brains and bodies? Then email [email protected] and I can fill you in on the details

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