Up-leveling your sex life is the best way to up-level your ENTIRE life
In Tangled, you'll have a step-by-step process to...
Have the kind of sex you crave
Feel as turned on and flirty as you did when you and your partner started dating
Unlock more creativity, passion and PLEASURE in your life (in & out of the bedroom)
Enjoy the hell out of your life NOW (even before the kid's bedtime, the weekend, or your to-do list is completed)
Communicate about sex confidently on your terms
Plus, be part of the revolution of women feeling empowered in her sexuality.
TANGLED is a fun & supportive community of women learning to rewire societal messages and create a pleasure-filled life on their terms.

"I create desire - I'm in charge of it!"
I was always in my head. Feeling like I was doing it wrong. Blaming my husband. Frustrated that I didn't have the "desire" I once had. I wanted to to want sex. I didn't want it to feel like a chore anymore.
Now?? I create desire - I'm in charge of it!Â
This isn't just about sex. It's about never looking to someone else to create desire and pleasure in your life. It is about stepping into a more powerful version of yourself who is unashamed of what she wants.
I realized quickly how deeply ingrained some of my misaligned thoughts were - so much so, that I couldn't even see the judgement in them. This was a freeing process!
-Rebecca, Group Coaching Graduate
 Listen to her story HERE.
Hi I'm Danielle

I have developed a process based in psychology, somatics, and neuroscience to help you have better sex, but really for you to feel whole and alive in your body.
I haven't always felt turned on . . in my body or in my life.
I've experienced . . .
- Physical pain
- Body shame
- Fertility struggles
- Low libido
- Past sexual traumas
- ALL the everyday stresses from kids to finances that make you want to pull out your hair
- Struggles communicating with my partner about sex
- Expectations of what sex is SUPPOSED to look like
- And honestly too busy to care that much
I have gone from not wanting it→ not great → satisfied → mind-blowing sex. I have learned how to infiltrate pleasure and fun and deep compassion into my everyday existence . . . and have helped 100s of women just like you achieve the same.
I deeply understand the process it takes to become the ambitious woman who is turned on. I get YOU.
Tangled is based on my years of mindfulness teaching, my background in neuroscience and my extensive trainings & experiences in psychology, sexuality, somatics (mind-body), coaching and behavioral change.
Get Started
"I feel like a different woman, more full of life and color."
I joined because I wanted to embrace my sexuality as the beautiful part of me I know it was meant to be. Sharing this journey with a community of women was so honoring. It was a safe space to share things I've never shared before. I could feel all the love and acceptance. I felt seen, heard and honored. I reconnected with my body, I released shame, I fell in love with myself and my body for the first time.
I now view sex as beautiful and it's purpose is for pleasure and connection, in the past it was a duty and not enjoyable. Self pleasure was full of shame for me before, now it is a way for me to connect with myself and my body. I am so excited for sex with a partner, in the past my relationship felt like we were both voiceless puppets going through the motions. In my next relationship I am excited to talk about sex and what I want and need and encourage him to share all that he desires too.
My relationship with myself has deepened because of the self compassion I learned to have for myself. Awakening desire has brought a whole new dimension and depth to my being. I feel like a different woman, more full of life and color. My writing/creativity has been sparked.
-Group Coaching Graduate
How sex & pleasure coaching in Tangled works
(and how it will change your life)...

6 months dedicated to pleasure
- You’ll be part of a safe community of women committed to breaking the stress cycle and unlocking more pleasure
- In the Tangled community, you’ll feel seen, you won’t feel alone, you’ll open up in a safe and supportive space.
Value of 6 months in Tangled Community = invaluable, your brain will change being immersed in a pleasure positive community

You’ll know exactly what to work on
Tangled is crafted to fit your life.
Submit you OWN assessments and questions ANYTIME you want with personalized feedback so you understand EXACTLY what to do.
Access 100+ anonymous sex-essments: my unique, effective, and personalized system for helping you see all the factors getting in the way of you having the BEST sex of your life. Learn things you didn't even know you needed to learn in the first place.
Sex-essment Value = $2000

Support when & how you need it
 Weekly group coaching calls. Attend live or listen to the transformational replays.
A Facebook group to connect with others and ask ANY questions on your quest to more pleasure.
Coaching Value = $10,000

Lifetime access to bite sized lessons
You get Lifetime Access to UNDRESSED & TANGLED
Theses course are jam-packed with information, workbooks and practices to create a different type of relationship with your body, your pleasure, your sexuality and your partnership - one that is loving, trusting, wildly orgasmic, and FUN.
Total Value =Â $3000

BONUS: Dreamy BJ Course
This class is designed to help you feel more empowered exploring this aspect of your sexual pleasure.
I share all of my secrets for helping you get completely turned on in your own body, so that getting your partner off will also be part of your own orgasmic playbook.

BONUS:Â 3 Simple & Effective Steps to Create More Time for Intimate Connection
This class is designed to help you feel more empowered exploring this aspect of your sexual pleasure.
I share all of my secrets for helping you get completely turned on in your own body, so that getting your partner off will also be part of your own orgasmic playbook.
Value = $199

BONUS:Â The Art & Science of Receiving (The Good Stuff)Â
Most of us are unintentionally cutting our brains and bodies off from being fully open and available to actually receiving the good around us -- be that pleasure from a lover, acceptance/compliments from a friend, or even financial abundance.
Not only will you discover how to feel better, but taking in the good stuff is an anecdote to depletion & burnout.Â
Value = $199
Value of the 6 mo. coach program + all the bonuses = over $15,000.
All for only $3500

I kind of thought you were full of shit. I heard you saying that this could be a thing. Like the more pleasure in your life and the better sex got then it would change everything.
And now I see it's true -- my entire self-concept has changed. What felt impossible not that long ago feels so doable. I have created so much beyond my pleasure.
-Group Coaching Graduate

This work has changed everything! Learning how to speak to myself and to prioritize myself has changed everything in my life from my marriage to my sex life to my career. My experience as a human has improved & so have all of the results in my life.
-Whitney, Group Coaching Graduate
Listen to her story HERE.

Danielle said it but I didn't get it until now... pleasure is really for me.
And in feeling this and valuing it, our intimate relationship is soooo much better.
10 years of sex and it just gets better and better.
-Elizabeth, Group Coaching Graduate
Listen to her story HERE.
Group coaching is the BESTÂ way to feel empowered in your sexuality & liberated from shame
I have done ALL types of coaching containers and the group coaching is not only the most fun, but also the most effective.
Being in community is HOW you get such incredible results.

"Sharing this journey with a community of women was so helpful."
When I joined I was wanting to have more "desire" for sex. I knew it was so much of my thoughts and strict belief system that got in my way.
Sharing this journey with a community of women was so helpful. I felt normal. I felt heard. It was amazing how each of the women's experiences spoke to me and helped me on my journey.
The connection I had with the other women was huge. People would be vulnerable on the calls and I would think, "I’m so glad they’re sharing that, because it’s touching me so much, just in the way that I need."
This program helped me think about pleasure very differently. I started looking at my body differently in the mirror. I really felt my body for the first time.
-Dana, Group Coaching Graduate
 Listen to her story HERE.

"Can't imagine it any other way."
Sharing this journey with a community of women was real F-ing scary. My voice would shake and my heart would race anytime I got coached. AND I’m convinced that’s what made my transformation even more powerful & possible.
It showed me how brave I & took me to a new level of fierce self-acceptance and compassion.
I thought I wouldn’t want this to be in a group, but now I can’t imagine it any other way. Everyone was so supportive and encouraging, it really added something special to the journey.
It helped me to feel so not alone. I had no idea that other women struggled like I did. I thought I was the only one that was feeling this way, when in reality we all had very similar thoughts and feelings (even though circumstances were different).
-Morgan, Group Coaching Graduate
 Listen to her story HERE.
You know you're in the right place.
If you've gotten this far down the page, your gut KNOWS that you deserve more pleasure.
Tangled is an opportunity to show yourself that you're ready to step into the pleasured, self-loving, most abundant version of yourself.
I'm here to provide the steps and support to make it easy, all you need to do is say YES to yourself.
Get started
This program has changed my life in two major ways:
- I no longer believe the story that I am broken. My brain will still offer this, but I no longer believe it’s true.
- I invite pleasure into my life in ways that I never have before. This means that there is MORE pleasure in my life. More enjoyment of life, in ways that I did not recognize as enjoyable before. I never took the time to slow down and “smell the roses.”
I have more sex, I enjoy sex more, and I allow myself permission to have more pleasure in my body and my life. Not just sexual pleasure, but being aware and grateful for all the pleasure.
Deep gratitude to you, Danielle, for the amazing, empowering, life-changing work you do!
-Delane, Group Coaching Graduate

Basically my entire pregnancy I was feeling too sick/yuck for sexy times
And today we GOT SEXY
And I can't think of a non-weird way to say this but . . .
It was all thanks to you.
Hoooo-ey! It’s no joke to get sexy with your man with your postpartum body changed AND general postpartum chaos
But your teachings made me believe I can be sexy, that WE can be sexy…. In the middle of all of this
And that is a big fucking deal.
Thank you.
-Group Coaching Graduate

Sex was an area where I felt dependent on my partner. And it’s just not a fun dynamic to be like, "Hey, if I want to be turned on, I need you."
You get to take responsibility for your own pleasure, and it definitely changes your relationship.
-Vikki, Group Coaching Graduate
Listen to her story HERE.

I joined to reconnect to my inner turned-on woman who felt lost in the midst of martial drama. I also joined to get to a more neutral place within said marriage to determine whether to stay or go.
Thank you, for everything. Your wisdom and skillful yet playful delivery has set me on a trajectory that I feel very excited about.
What I got out of it was so much deeper, so much more about me than it even was about my relationship, my partner, or sex. No regrets!
-Ruthie, Group Coaching Graduate
Listen to her story HERE.

"10,000% Return"
There is no right time to join. Whatever space you give it will transform you. By starting right now, you're giving yourself something that will only grow. So don't wait.
If doing everything in the program is a 100% self-score, I'd give myself a 17% and even there I got a 10,000% return to my relationship and experience with myself and my partner.
-Elizabeth, Group Coaching Graduate
Listen to her story HERE.
Read EVEN MORE Client Results . . .
Frequently Asked Questions
When are the live calls? And do I need to attend live?
Can I participate anonymously?
I've been through trauma. Is this a safe space for me?
Will I get the support I need talking about an intimate subject in a community of women?
Is it okay if I'm currently not in a relationship?
Can I take this program with my partner?
What are some reasons why women have joined in the past?
What kind of results do women get from participating in this program?
Who is this program for (gender/sexuality)?
What if I have more questions?
*Please note that Tangled was formerly run by a different name, Better Sex in 90 Days and with the new name change also came a revitalization of content and materials. As growth goes, the process has, and always will continue, to be refined to offer the very best for each and every client.
© 2023 Copyright Danielle Savory LLC. All Rights Reserved. | Terms & Conditions | Privacy Policy

"Best money I've spent this year. Best gift to myself."
I came for the sex but left as a more fulfilled woman in every aspect of my life. Danielle's unique process (that works!) takes you on a journey of evolving and a deepening of the human experience. It was a journey of what it means to be a woman in today’s world. This is feminism at its finest.
The group setting was so empowering. Through hearing others women’s stories of their struggles with sex in their marriages, or in a relationship or not partnered at all, to hearing their victories it allowed me to release a lot of shame around being in a nearly sexless marriage. And to release a lot of shame around talking and thinking about sex which was sooooo liberating.
Danielle is the perfect guide for this journey. She’s done the work herself. And her compassion and deep love for women and humanity are magnetic. She modeled a self-compassion that was beautiful to witness. And taught us how to cultivate our own self compassion, which is directly related to how much sex you have it turns out! As a high achieving woman this was some of the most powerful work we did. And....
I am happy to report that through Danielle's process I was able to go from having sex once every 2 or 3 months to once a week. Boom! I learned tools for how to leave the stresses of my business behind and make pleasure a priority.
Hire Danielle. It was the best money I’ve spent this year and was the best gift to myself.
-Group Coaching Graduate

"Sex doesn't feel like work anymore."
During the years my husband was in med school we both put our sexual pleasure on the back burner. When med school was over we realized things needed to change but weirdly we didn't know how to do that. I had put up barriers to sex that I didn't even know I had. I wanted to ignite more sexual desire to create a more vibrant sex life with my husband.
Now?! Sex doesn't feel like work anymore!! I'm allowing myself to accept every part of me and that opens the door to experiencing so much more pleasure!
I'm making my personal pleasure more of a priority. I'm allowing myself to be turned on during the day without shame or trying the stop it. I'm spending more time in my body instead of my head. I'm not apologizing for my wants in bed anymore. I'm creating a healthier dialogue regarding my body image as well, which allows me to love myself and accept the love from my husband.
If you want more for yourself do yourself a favor and sign up. I've tried other programs and courses looking for the changes I found here.
-Amanda, Group Coaching Graduate

"I can't wait for the next time."
After years of painful sex due to early menopause, I'd given up. My husband I hadn't had intercourse in years, and no regular intimacy in nearly a decade. I'd tried MANY things before: sex therapy, couples therapy, individual therapy, EMDR.
I've never done anything like this before and cannot believe the power of being in a room together with so many other women. Even when the issue being discussed did not pertain to me, I learned from it and added it to my thinking, and it did help me amplify my sexual experience.
Results?? I HAD SEX WITH MY HUSBAND, three weeks in a row, for the first time in at least three years. But we haven't had sex this consistently in nearly a decade. And now I can't wait for the next time. I think about sex more, I am having sex and more sex than I have had in years, and it's fantastic.
I am having sex for me, not out of guilt or obligation. I feel so much more turned on that I continue to be surprised when I feel sexy just from thinking about it. The burden of not having sex, of feeling apart from my partner, of feeling lonely within a marriage when we both wanted each other but nothing was happening--has been lifted. I feel GOOD when I think about my life, and that's despite lots of other challenges still present, but my sex life is no longer one of them.
I will never forget you and the gift you have given me, Danielle. This was a big, big splurge for me and totally worth it both financially and in terms of a commitment of time. I would do it all over again. I will be forever grateful. You've given me my life back. Thank you!
-Group Coaching Graduate

"Better sex is possible for you, too."
I was feeling so frustrated when I signed up. I was 25 and had a “blah” sex life with my partner. We probably had sex 3 times in the whole year. I didn’t want this to become a thing. I’m not married & don’t have kids, I didn’t think that this would be something that I struggled with yet! I felt ashamed to be so young and to be having this problem. My partner’s touch turned me off, I didn’t want to be with him. It made no sense because I love him a lot, but sex with him just wasn’t something I was really interested in and didn’t feel all that good. It felt like the longer I waited, the more it hurt. I kept wanting to try and have sex with him, but my body just wasn’t having it.
I felt really hesitant before signing up. I did desperately want help and to improve my sex life, but I also was skeptical that it could actually work. I had a lot of negative sexual experiences in my past, including trauma and a feelings of shame. I had been to therapy and nothing really seemed to help me. If anything, talking about it just made it worse. I didn’t know if what was happening with my partner now had anything to do with my past. I had a hunch that it could be related, but it also didn’t make sense because I felt really safe and actually really wanted to be having sex with him. I was also confused because this hadn’t been an issue in any of my sexual relationships the last couple years and in the first few months of being with him. It was like out of no where my body just started closing up when he would touch me. He would grab my butt when I was getting ready and I would slap his hand away. He would be giving me a back rub, but if his hand wandered too low then my body closed up and felt turned off. It was like my heart and mind wanted to be having sex with him, but my body wasn’t interested or cooperating.
Danielle helped me to solve this. (And writing that fills my eyes with tears.) We were able to get my body back on board without having to talk about any memories or specific of what happened in the past. She helped me to see how yes, in fact, the sex “issues” that I had now were related to what happened before AND she helped me to work through it and actually enjoy and desire my partner’s touch. My partner’s touch feels good (& doesn’t shut me down like it used to). I'm more compassionate & gentle with myself. And I experienced a whole new level of mmmmmm in my self-pleasure. I wish there were a more powerful way to say this, but....THANK YOU.
If you’re considering, and hesitant, thinking maybe you have too much sexual history/“baggage” to work through … you don’t. Better sex is possible for you too.
-Morgan, Better Sex Graduate
Listen to her story HERE.

"Truly transformative."
This was truly transformative. I feel a bit of a struggle trying to quantify in words what this has done for me. I feel liberated, unashamed, and validated by the knowledge and experience of the coaching and the program. It has been a rich experience.
I want you to know that this program could be the difference between a sex life in black and white or one that is high definition and technicolor. If you want to feel empowered as a woman and have greater pleasure in your life don't hesitate. For me, the benefits of this went beyond my sex life. It helped me bring pleasure into all aspects of my days.
-Tonya, Group Coaching Graduate
Listen to her story HERE.