It's My Pleasure Podcast

Ep. 201: Reclaiming Intimacy and Sexuality After Breast Cancer with Adriana McCulloch

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In this important episode, Adriana McCulloch shares her personal journey with breast cancer and the many things that aren’t discussed openly when one faces cancer treatment. Because the fact is, that there is so much emphasis on the treatment itself and getting through that, but not how to put all the pieces back together once treatment is complete. 

There is a physical and emotional impact of cancer treatment that is carried on well after the treatment that can bleed into so many areas of life, but especially a woman’s relationship with her body and sexuality, including the challenges of body image, intimacy, and early onset menopause. 

Adriana sheds light into her own journey navigating these challenges as well as ways that those facing treatment recovery can begin to reclaim their intimate lives and sexuality.

We dive into the healing process from grieving to...

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Ep. 200: Rewriting the Story of Women's Pleasure with 200 Episodes!

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In this milestone 200th episode, we're celebrating over five years of conversations around a topic that's long been taboo but is so important for our wellbeing. Tune in as we discuss how societal messages have led us to disconnect from our bodies and desires over time. We'll delve into how limiting beliefs formed and how we can start rewriting our stories to align with self-pleasure and worthiness. 

I am humbled by how all of you have supported this important work to help bring these discussions into the light. Join us to learn how tapping into your joy, pleasure and empowerment can positively impact your life and be a part of shifting conversations for generations to come. 

It's time to feel good - don't miss this special episode celebrating over 200 installments of empowerment!


  • A look back at over 5 years of conversations and how far we've come in breaking...
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Ep. 199: Amy Allebest on Decoding the Secrets of Patriarchy to Unleash Your Pleasure & Reclaim Your Sexuality

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It is time to talk about the ways in which patriarchy operates in society, including historical roots, in order to understand the ongoing effects on women's agency and pleasure. In this enlightening conversation we explore how patriarchy has influenced women's bodies and pleasure throughout history, from biblical and classical texts to modern times. It is time to challenge patriarchy so that we can reclaim our sexuality and pleasure in empowering way. 

Amy McPhie Allebest is a feminist historian and writer. She has a master's degree from Stanford University and is currently working toward a PhD at the University of Utah in Education, Culture, and Society. Her podcast and YouTube channel, Breaking Down Patriarchy, educate about the history of patriarchy and its intersections with racism and homophobia.


  •  Discover how ancient texts like the Bible secretly shaped your...
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Ep. 198: Using Intention To Maximize the Power of Pleasure

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Welcome back to It’s My Pleasure. In this week's episode, I'm diving deep into how intention can maximize all the amazing benefits of pursuing pleasure.

We all know pleasure is good for us, but did you know the impact it can have depends on your intention behind the pleasure you are pursuing?? I'll be sharing a fascinating study I came across that shows just how powerful our intentions can be. Simply by shifting their focus, pleasurable actions you are already taking, can become more beneficial

I'm also giving you all my best tips for finding your "why" - those reasons you're pursuing pleasure that really light you up. Because when you show up with intention, connected to how good it makes you feel, your brain and body are primed to reap all the rewards.

So tune in to learn how getting clear on your intentions can supercharge the effects of pleasure on your creativity, focus,...

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Ep. 197: Anna Iovine on Debunking Stereotypes and Exploring Individual Sexuality

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Hey friends, I have such an insightful conversation for you all from my latest episode with Anna Iovine. If you've ever questioned your sexuality or struggled with feeling believed in your queer identity, you do not want to miss what Anna has to say.

Anna dives deep with me on the disbelief bisexual women often face and helps shine a light on why our brains seem to reject the idea of fluid sexuality. I mean, can you believe people still think sexuality is as simple as black and white? Spoiler alert: it's anything but.

Happy pride month everyone - you’re going to love this conversation!


  • How to reconcile queer and straight identities in relationships
  • Debunking common myths and stereotypes
  • Why we feel lonely even though we are connected
  • Plus how does a tech writer navigate her own boundaries with tech in terms of intimacy with her partner?

Mentioned in this episode:

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Ep. 196: It's Not You, It's Your Brain: How Thoughts Impact Arousal (and How to Shift Them)

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Got some of those thoughts running wild in your head during intimate moments? You're not alone. But did you know that particular things occurring between the ears could be impacting what’s happening (or not) below the belt??

In this episode we cover some game-changing insights about how our beliefs affect arousal, yes arousal - and more importantly, how to tame those pesky thoughts so you can rewire your brain to create more blood flow to your genitals. This might just be the mind-blowing info that takes your pleasure to the next level.


  • Learn the surprising average time it takes for full female arousal (it's more than you think!)
  • Understand how limiting beliefs and distracting thoughts can trigger stress and halt arousal in its tracks
  • Discover simple strategies for calming the mind and fully engaging the body, like scheduling pleasure time
  • Get tips for combining...
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Ep. 195: How to Optimize Your Energy and Thrive with Cyclical Living

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April Davis - creator of the Haus of Vagina, shares her deep wisdom, wit and humor on the show today. April has tunneled her passions to create an entire community around female body health and helps vagina owners feel empowered with more knowledge on how their bodies, specifically their cycle works. This important conversation dives into the topic of cyclical living and what it actually means to live in harmony with your body. Plus, you get to sex enthusiasts together and you’re bound to have a fun time ;)


  • April's experiences with different birth methods and how it impacted her 
  • The importance of informed consent and education around childbirth
  •  How society is built for the male cycle and what that means for women
  • Practical tools for learning about your cycle, improving sexual satisfaction and experiencing more pleasure

Mentioned in this episode:

  • House of...
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Ep. 194: How Scheduling Sexy Time Can Help You Lean Into Pleasure Again

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Why is it that you can enjoy sex, have a good time, maybe even LOVE the sex you’re having and still find yourself not eager to make the time and the space for it?! Why are we like this?

Listen to this episode as we dive into the complexities of desire, that wanting, and how to help create the time in your schedule. Remember pleasure is not just a nice to have and sex can be so much MORE than action you take, but a truly worthy use of your time to develop deep connection, well-being and wholeness to your life and your partnership. 

And believe me, I know that it sounds like a bore, maybe even a chore, if you have sex on the schedule but perhaps you will understand how this act may just be the key to opening up to receive more in all areas of your life. 

What’s happening on the show today:

  • Understanding the complexities of desire and how to use this knowledge to...
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Ep. 193: Lily Womble on How To Date with Joy Through a Feminist Lens

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If you want to create a joyful dating life that lights you the hell up without all the patriarchal BS then you HAVE to tune in today’s episode. Lily Womble joins the show today to discuss her journey from late bloomer to joyful dater through feminist relationship coaching and how starting with JOY is truly a key to your success in finding a match.  

Learn her tips for prioritizing pleasure over settling in your dating life. Plus ways that we ALL can take a look at communicating effectively whether we have been partnered for eons or are newly dating.

What’s happening on the show today:

  • Lily's experience dating and settling in an unfulfilling relationship
  • Tools for building self-trust and emotional safety in relationships
  • Navigating needs vs preferences through open communication
  • How focusing on joy can attract better matches and expand your social circle
  • Practical...
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Ep. 192: 6 Ways Orgasms Spark Creativity & What To Do

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Orgasms are wonderful, I think we can all agree on that one. However, creating a strong incentive to pursue pleasure - making the time, the space and engaging in the effort - is a crucial piece to not only get you in action, but also reap the many benefits of mind and body that the orgasm can provide.

Understanding why you are taking a certain action, like going after those O’s, will not only help you get motivated, but also allows for your brain chemistry to support you endeavors.

In this episode you will learn 6 powerful ways that orgasms can help fuel your creativity and exactly HOW you can go about making the those O’s work for you and your projects!

What’s happening on the show today:

  • How using intention can make your actions (orgasms and otherwise) more powerful from a neurochemistry standpoint so you get the results you want
  • Dopamine’s impact on your...
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